Sack Lunch Ministry
This ministry shares God's radical love by feeding those that are hungry within our community. One of the greatest ways to share God's love is through our actions. Sack Lunch Ministry is a place to come volunteer in order to feed others hunger and their souls. We don't just bring food. We bring our smiles, our words of encouragement, our love, and our prayers.
What We Do:
We make and deliver 150 sack lunches to the Rescue Mission/Hope Center every Sunday. Those in need, that do not live at the Rescue Mission/Hope Center, are given these sack lunches outside of these buildings, as well. We began this ministry to help feed people when the Rescue Mission only serves one meal on Sundays.
Ways to get involved:
☐ Volunteers sign up to make PBJ and/or meat and cheese sandwiches (in incriminates of 25). These Sandwiches need to be at the church by 9am Sunday.
☐ Individuals can donate funds to the sack lunch ministry via the church. They put sack lunch ministry in the memo of their check or designate it to sack lunch ministry via online donation (through the church giving page).
☐ Volunteers put together the sack lunches. We call them "sackers". We've had to be very flexible this past year with the time in which we arrive to sack. Currently, we begin at 9am. Sackers put all items in the paper lunch bags (napkin, spoon, fruit item, granola bar, bag of chips, and sandwich), and pack them in storage containers for the delivery team.
☐ Volunteers can sign up to deliver. We call them "deliverers" or "delivery team". Currently, the delivery team leaves at 11am (or after the ends). The roles of the delivery team also change frequently due to covid and are adapted for each teams feelings during this time with covid. Some teams hand lunches out, outside, others drop the containers off to the Rescue Mission receptionist and let the rescue mission and hope center hand out the lunches to the individuals living there.